About Invasive Species
Studies by Wildlife & Countryside Link in 2021 revealed that invasive plant species cost the UK around £2 billion per year.
The control and eradication of invasive plant species is costly and can cause significant delays to developments. Species such as Japanese knotweed, Indian balsam and giant hogweed can prove very difficult and time consuming to eradicate.
The impacts of invasive species are often only considered from an economic and cost perspective. However, they have a far more fundamental impact on the environment and our natural habitats through mechanisms of disruptive ecology. For example, all three species named above and others such as New Zealand pigmyweed, displace native flora and fauna by out competing native plants for light and nutrients. The impacts of these species on our natural habitats and ecosystems can be dramatic and catastrophic, whereby, few if any other plants can survive. This can then result in a collapse of invertebrate life, pollinators and all species dependent upon them. The result being a serious depletion of plant and animal diversity with little else surviving other than the invasive species.
Our Invasive Species Services
Pennine Ecological undertake invasive species surveys recording species, locations and levels of infestation. These surveys are always undertaken during a Preliminary Ecological Appraisal but can be commissioned separately as a one off survey.
These surveys can be undertaken for any invasive species, although the majority of requests are for surveys of species covered by legislation. In particular surveys are undertaken for the highly invasive Japanese knotweed, Indian balsam and giant hogweed.
We also undertake surveys of aquatic environments for problem species such as New Zealand pigmyweed.
We provided a complete service in relation to invasive species from survey stage to control and management.
Examples of our work with Invasive Species
United Utilities PLC
Surveys of land holdings and Waste Water Treatment Works throughout NW England. Implementation of control / eradication and treatment measures.
All site surveys include an invasive plant species survey.

Quick Contact
If you would like to discuss how Pennine Ecological can help you, please get in touch with us.