About Bats
All British bats and their roosts, whether occupied or not, are afforded protection under the 1981 Wildlife & Countryside Act (as amended) and are listed in Schedule 2 of the Conservation of Habitats and Species (Amendment) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019.
The UK supports 18 species of bat, 17 of which are known to be breeding here, accounting for almost a quarter of our mammal species.
The Bat Conservation Trust has published a great PDF explaining where bats are likely to be found and why – you can download it here: Bats & Buildings PDF
Our Bat Services
Our bat surveys are undertaken by a team of highly experienced licensed surveyors. We offer a complete end to end service from surveys to licensing, implementation of mitigation measures under licence and any monitoring requirements.
We undertake Preliminary Bat Roost Assessments (PRA’s) which can be done at any time of year. If bat activity surveys (dusk / dawn surveys) are required these need to be undertaken between May and August.
Examples of our work with Bats
Welsh Assembly: A470 Penloyn – Tan Lan Trunk Road Improvement Scheme: We undertook a combination of dusk and dawn surveys in relation to habitat use by bats along a new road alignment proposed as part of the Welsh Assembly A470 Trunk Road improvement scheme in the Conwy valley. Nationally important colonies of Lesser Horseshoe bats were recorded in the vicinity of the road and at various crossing points. We advised a comprehensive mitigation package as part of a Countryside Council for Wales (CCW) European Protected Species licence application. This work was completed under licence and the new road section is now fully open. To comply with the requirements of the Welsh Assembly & Countryside Council for Wales / Natural Resources Wales at this nationally important stronghold of Lesser Horseshoe bats, we continue to monitor the scheme to establish if impact upon bats has occurred since the completion of the work.
Together Housing: Estate surveys across East Lancashire and West Yorkshire: We have completed numerous surveys, licensing applications, implementation of mitigation and monitoring of works related to tenanted properties across Together Housings estates.
Lancashire Developments Limited: Brinscall Hall Farm conversion of farm buildings and barns for residential use. Bat surveys including torch and endoscope inspections discovered small numbers of common pipistrelle bats using various buildings and structures on site such as old walls. Successful licence application was made to Natural England and a series of capture and exclusion measures implemented together with installation of integrated artificial roost structures within the converted buildings. Monitoring surveys revealed bats now roosting in the installed roost features.
Pendle Borough Council: Lomeshaye Industrial Estate Extension, Appraisal & Inspection of Trees in Relation to Bats with Dusk Surveys. Over 100 tees were inspected in relation to this development. A total of 24 trees were identified as having roost potential and were inspected by torch and endoscope, some of which required the use of qualified tree climbers. In addition dusk surveys were undertaken of trees where use by bats was inconclusive.
Bat Surveys Case Study
Following a preliminary survey of this Grade II Listed Building complete with moat and extensive high quality surrounding habitat, bat roost potential was assessed as ‘High’ with many bat droppings and suitable roost locations found within the semi-derelict property.
Due to the complexity of the property a team of four surveyors undertook both dusk emergence and dawn re-entry surveys at the hall. In addition a static monitoring device (SM2) was deployed for 15 consecutive nights. The calls were analysed using a combination of the Kaleidoscope and Analook softwares. The surveys were also aided by use of an infra-red cameras.
The survey results gathered by Pennine Ecological concluded that the building was being used by multiple bat species for roosting purposes, namely a maximum of 94 Soprano Pipistrelle bats, 68 Brown Long-eared bats, and three Natterer’s bats; Common Pipistrelle and Whiskered/Brandt’s bats were also identified to be using the building for roosting purposes. Based upon the evidence, the building is host to a ‘Maternity Roost’ for both Soprano Pipistrelle and Brown Long-eared bats, along with a ‘Day Roost’ for Natterer’s, Common Pipistrelle, and Whiskered/Brandt’s bats, with numerous bats emerging/re-entering the building from multiple ingress points along the southern and eastern elevations, notably including via broken windows and at the roof verge on both elevations, and an open doorway on the southern elevation.
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If you would like to discuss how Pennine Ecological can help you, please get in touch with us.